Great Awakening Academy
for Homeschooling and Private Schooling Families
6th - 12th Graders

We are a Learning Academy for: 

*Homeschooling families who desire 
daily community interaction for their learners

*Private schooling families who desire 
an alternative private school education 

*Parents who desire an alternative to public school

We provide a learning, problem-solving environment  
that inspires our children to think critically, innovate, and live every day with genuine curiosity, faith, perseverance and a love of learning.   

Our teachers lead students through:
1. Project-based, problem-solving learning
2. Experiential learning
3. Personalized learning
4. Social Entrepreneurship projects  

Students learn critical thinking as they move through a fun and rigorous curriculum of:

*Social Entrepreneurship- "How to Build A Business While Giving Back to the Community"
*Human Biology & Physiology
*Health and Nutrition
*Authentic Science 
*English Language Arts 
*Necessary Math
*Financial Management
*Home Economics
*Regenerative Farming and Gardening
*The Earth's History

* We are free beings, who practice health, sovereignty, and responsibility for ourselves, our health and the sacred nature of our community, therefore, 
we prohibit the wearing of masks and the practice of social distancing. 

What we need is deep human learning to ensure that future generations have the ability to adapt, grow, discern truth from lies, and ethically lead within the time of the 21st century. 

At Great Awakening Academy we are committed to... 

  • Collaboration (instead of competition)
  • Critical Thinking (instead of memorization)
  • Inquiry-Based Learning (instead of lecturing)
  • Inner Motivation that makes your child come alive (instead of external motivators)
  • Skill Development and Problem-Solving (instead of just learning facts)
We do this through these methodologies: 
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Experiential Learning
  • Personalized Learning
  • Socratic Dialogue
  • Social Entrepreneurship
The goal of Great Awakening Academy is to create self-directed, intrinsically motivated, creative, and innovative critical thinkers who regularly engage the authentic challenges they will encounter as leaders in the 21st century. 
Project-based Learning

Project Based Learning (PBL) engages students in observation and question-driven, real world problem-solving. Rather than providing students with facts and answers,  PBL introduces students to real-world challenges; it empowers students to pose questions that drive inquiry, and it teaches students how to learn by allowing them to collaboratively engage and solve authentic problems. 

As described by the New England Board of Education, PBL learning: "...occurs collaboratively in small groups, problems are presented before any formal preparation has occurred — the problem itself drives the learning — and new information is acquired via self-directed learning."
Student-designed: Students work alongside a mentor and/or teacher to develop and hone projects inspired by their interests and/or learning plan goals. 

Ambitious: Projects are authentic, meaningful, and designed to encourage mastery of academic skills and content-specific expertise.

Multi-faceted: Consideration and use of multiple lenses is encouraged by teachers and mentors.

Designed to be meaningfully used, applied, taught, distributed, submitted, built, etc.: Created for an authentic purpose (beyond “proving learning” or “showing the teacher”) .
Research by the New England Board of Education shows that compared with traditional lecture-based instruction, Project-Based Learning improves:
  •  Student understanding and retention of ideas.
  •  Critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 
  •  Motivation and learning engagement. 
  •  The ability to work in teams. 
  •  The ability to transfer skills and knowledge to new situations. 
Children learn through experiences, just like adults do. 

When children can have a hands-on experience vs. passively listening to a lecture, their brains become engaged in a whole new way.  

This is formally known as experiential learning — the process of learning through experience or “learning through reflection on doing”. In scientific research and in the classroom, it has demonstrably been shown to be one the most effective forms of meaningfully retaining information — experiential learning engages most of the senses, builds social-emotional skills, creates a context for memorization, expands critical thinking and is unquestionably more relevant to real life applications of what’s being studied. 

Experience-based learning also encourages experimentation, embraces curiosity and turns mistakes into a natural part of the learning process. 
Personalized Learning
‘Personalized Learning’ refers to learning experiences that address the distinct learning preferences, interests, strengths, aspirations, weaknesses, or cultural backgrounds of individual students. The result of this is an educational experience that’s more fitting to your child as an individual and maximizes what she or he retains out of each learning experience. 

Different students respond differently to distinct motivations, but this is why the most popular teachers tend to be inspirational: they don’t just throw information at students for them to process, but they also inspire and awake their class’s interest and curiosity — once a student finds a subject cool, everything changes for their brain. 

"A student must care about new information or consider it important for it to be stored as a long-term memory. Memories with personal meaning are most likely to become relational and long-term memories available for later retrieval."— Dr. Judy Will, Neurologist & Educator. 
Social Entrepreneurship 
Our mission-based projects centered around problem solving and giving back to the community. Our curriculum is derived from our mission-based projects.  In the spirit of social entrepreneurship, the students will be solving a specific environmental/social problem throughout the year, such as sustainability of water resources and organic food production. 
Throughout the school year, we incorporate service-based learning projects that encourage social entrepreneurship.

Service learning is the foundation of social entrepreneurship. Our service learning projects combine learning goals and community service in ways that can enhance both student growth and the common good. Students have the unique opportunity to experience service learning as a doorway into social entrepreneurship as we integrate meaningful community service projects with guidance and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. 

All of our Learning Projects embody our Guiding Values and Peace Practices.  
“a form of experiential education where learning occurs through a cycle of action and reflection as students. . . seek to achieve real objectives for the community and deeper understanding and skills for themselves. In the process, students link personal and social development with academic and cognitive development. . . experience enhances understanding; understanding leads to more effective action.”
      - Vanderbilt University’s Janet S. Eyler (winner of the 2003 Thomas Ehrlich Faculty Award for Service Learning) and Dwight E. Giles, Jr.

Our Guiding Values
We are not religious-based.  
We are God-centered.  
We give thanks to our Creator.
We are so grateful to be able to partake in this wondrous experience called Life.  
We honor our Earth and practice stewardship of our land. 
We honor each other as free, sentient, and sovereign beings.  
We honor the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  

Our Peace Practices

Great Awakening Academy students analyze, reflect upon, and continuously live the four Peace Practices (as practiced and developed by La Paz school in Costa Rica.
 The practices are the essence of a Great Awakening Academy education and it is expected that upon graduation, all students internalize and understand the complex meaning behind each “practice.”

Develop the self into a peaceful, lifelong learner by improving physical and mental well being through critical thought and extension of comfortable limits.

Cultivate peace amongst family and community by disseminating and sharing love and compassion.

Create peace within the community by preserving the environment and respecting the delicate balance between human, animal and plant life.

Spread peace throughout the world by effectively communicating thoughts and ideas as well as actively listening to all perspectives.

Our Objectives

 To implement meaningful service learning that empowers students to become active stewards of themselves and their environment

 To cultivate compassion in ourselves and our students

 To develop skills and nurture values that cultivate the well-being of self, family, community, and world

 To emphasize Socratic method based, experiential learning and discovery

 To uphold academic standards through authentic academic assessment

 To inspire in all community members a genuine appreciation for and involvement in human biology, nutrition, health, nature, the earth, energy, and social entrepreneurship.

    At Great Awakening Academy, children...
    •  Are known and respected as unique individuals.
    •  Personalize their education with individualized learning plans.
    •  Engage in small-group, collaborative learning supported by dedicated and aware teachers.
    •  Enjoy individualized support and guidance made possible by the 8:1 student-teacher ratio.
    •  Regularly and purposefully explore, interact, and engage with their community and natural world.
    •  Engage with their community through Social Entrepreneurship.  
    Our Community
    Learning happens everywhere and at every level within our community.  Instead of parents absolving responsibility to a school or learning center to educate their children, we invite parents to partner with our teachers so that parents are involved in each child’s learning experiences.  

    The reason for parents to be our partners in learning is because this creates a more cohesive environment for our children to grow, such that we are bridging the connection between ‘school’ and home.  
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